Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 21 Nov 1935, p. 8 (2024)

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 21 Nov 1935, p. 8 (1)

paob host the acton free press thursday november jut 10js kotfam birth muikn aa dieta an hunted ta thla eehau uvmt ebm mworiim notion ud ft hihirnl tor pottnr bobn nourish in ifaaaagawet towiajilp co sunday norember srd lttsfl to mr and mrs stanley norrlsh eon died mpiutcr at the nocm of her son mill street acton ontario op prlday nor omber loth 1b35 annlo diana relict of the lata tliomu devey jermyn xfermer iot and daughter of the late samuel and helen nanh in her osth year ocals nominations tomorrow nitwit from 30 to ft30 saturdys bluster and snow ww touch or tb winter weather ahead the 1b35 canadian national ex hibition haa surplus of 100000 may wo remind our friends again to look at tho label on your vmms pans col deacon haa been elecud president of the toronto conservatory of music christmas is juut flvo wee away time for merchants to announce christ mas shopping new the ymca membership drive is finding more and more windows wllh the ted triangle showing samuel smith of toronto wl re open the woollen mills in milton with staff of twenty employees tfaoaeroplane race membership campaign watl handicapped by bod weather all this wwik mayor george lllott of milton an nounces that he will not be candidate for the office again this year mr oconee wilds brought to tiic pasx fbess twin carrots of rather unlqui grow ui they have been on view in our window reeve if harrison has spent two days in toronto this week on negotiation lor the occupancy of the shoe factory building at the morning service of the united jhtirchuai eundyr the congregation were delighted to again hoar mrs lole render soprano solo tlic last instalment of taxes were duo and payable on tuesday they were reported as coming very favorably at the public utilities otflcc when rain formed loo on the roof he wus shingling at the home of mrs wm smith west uower avenue mr theodore dunn won stranded on uw roof and hud to reculve assistance of neighbor from ids slippery position buiudisg up tilt swint uiau tliis fall many will no doubt bo xowq na 11 fo herd or to replace soma that liave ptovcti unsatisfactory the young sowu should be picked from good sized litters of thrifty pigs and preferably from toothers with good dispositions and pos sessing good milking qualiucu crass ywrvous or irritable sow is undesirable jond as this trait may ha lieredltary it is advisable not to retain the pigs from such sow hi the breeding nerd bacon type sowu must show good ength of side good depth and plenty of constitution combined with smooth lacaet and distinctly feminine appear icon of st murks at the msrvlcc inter mrs mary woctjcr friends of mrs mary bcclos or nteax oeorgetown regretted to learn of her passing on sunday in the general hos pital ouelph she was tho widow of john bccles and was 87 years of age the funeral was held on tuesday after noon from the home of her daughter mrs mcclure ninth line near oeorgetown with ocrvlce at three oclock and interment in greenwood cemetery georgetown other survivors known here are john eoclca of brampton and arctic bccles of qlen cwulhuns both albert mountain albert mountain son or tho late thomas mountain of todmorden eng land died at his home in milton on monday ovenng after short ulncss mr mountain who was in his 77th year come to canada 48 years ago where be started farming for 11 years shortly after going to milton he became care taker in st pauls united church and took great deal of interest in local ui faint surviving are his wife and eight children mm charles tfealherslonc milton mrs george ooddard hamilton myrtle mountain milton stella mount ain milton jock mountain milton sydney mountain bronte iloland mountain mount forest and everett mountain of ottervlllc airbed harden on wednesday kvivembcr glh at christie street hospital toronto mr alf who liv in braocbrid tarrt ng qp wt vwrft ftootl tho great war passed away aged sixty five years mr harden came to brace bridge from acton in 1910 and wad em ployed at tho anglocanadian tannery he enlisted in toronto and on his return from overseas had been employed at the christie street hospital tho funeral took place from his homo cobalt street mount dennis on saturday november oth interment took place in prospect cemetery he leaves to mourn his loss four santf robert william her bert and charles and four daughters kit ruby ada and evelyn mrs harden was killed in street car accident during uw war mr harden is survived by two brothers zeb of newmarket and tod of toron lo bracebridgtrgabette canadas investment in schools canada has over half billion dollara invested in schools and universities al most goo000000 according to the do minion bureau of statistics the total value of all schools and unlveratlcs rep resents about per cent or tho do minions total estimated national wealth it is about double tho investment in telephones equal to tho investment in tho electricity supply industry compar able to but less than tho investment in railways and about one tenth or loeq tho investment in farming education incanada is under tho con trol of tho provinces except for tho task of instructing the indians who are words of the dominion government tho provincial governments have made ample provision for primary secondary and higher education in each province there is complete syutem of public and high schools while in every province thero is also one or more universities whoro in addition to uio courses in arts and science thcru ore faculties of medicine law and dentistry technical uchools and agricultural colleges where those who desire to specialize along these lints may have an opportunity to fit them selves for their lifo work are found in every province wealth from the mabsiies striking example of urn triumph of mans ingenuity over indolent nature is icon hi urn reclamation for agricultural nrpttios of marsh land in the toronto area of onturlot extensive gardens now fiplaco wliut was once un immense boggy waste flooded by water port of tho your and aru tribute to englnerlng skill and courageous expenditure of money tho idea of salvaging this marsh land was conceived by brilliant mind over twcntyilve yours ao but it was not mrs parmer general sympathy is felt liero tor chirk ii parmer in the death oh friday morning of liis mother who lias resided with him for the past year or since the death of dr parmer on april icth 1034 tills is the second bereave ment that has rncn suffered within short time mrs fanner had been in poor health for the feat two years bo lero her marriage iilio was mu annie diana nash daughter of the late samuel and helen nnih and was native of hamilton her father and mother camo from liigland and enub jlied first in baltimore followhik the civil war the came tocauada xiutxa mr icanh established tlie paeeng buc ineii later sold to the pearman co of tliat city mm parmer was the last surviving member of this family slio was in her sixtyninth your two children remain to revere her memory mno isabelle willson or hamilton and mr harold inash parmer of acton tho funeral was held on mon day with service hi st markn church hamilton wliich was largely attended rev brillmgcr rector of st abans acton was assisted by revw hender ance strengtli of constitution sliould not be sacriticed for length tho hank sliould be deep tlie loin strong and the jham full but trim meaty back is very desirubld in tlw young bacon sow as ows tliat lack hushing qualities and are bore on top are apt to produce hard feeding and luta ilnlhlng pigs tlw hftriii hh inrivflt miauty hv lny slrojig and cfcon cut and entirely free irom puifinesit sow intended for breeding purposes niuait stand straight and strong at the poslerus tlie udder sliould be well developed and havd two row of tests at least six hi each row tiw swliie herd will never be develop ed to hlh degree unless care is taken in uie selection of the brcediig clock snd bi muting the sows to boar of high quality the boar sliould not only he well bred and of uie hacon type but sliould be masculine active individual with sufficient dapth of body along with width of chest floor to ensure strong constitution without uuit streugtli tho hest feeding results cannot be expected live practice of mating immature gilui and then wlwn uiry have wcaiiod tlielr xlrst litter futtciilni all of uum for iftarket is not gootl one to follow it not only pre writs tha bulldbig up of high quality herd ot produhig sows but ubo results in reduction of tlie vitality herd ttie gilt selected for breeding purposes liould not be bred too young because tin immature sow will not usually liave sun tele nt strength and vitality to with stand the lieavy dram on her system resulting from her own growth and tike production of strong healthy litter experience at tlie dominion experlmrilt ml sutlou liiconibu alberta bidlcates that gilts sliould not bo bred until they are at least tolght months old and well sieve loped tor their cge tud your wifes father follow you fesli you eloped should say so lies living with us jit ment was made at st johnfc cemetery ancaster tlie pall bearers wirft meiars gracsser and maddock of ouelph thoa parmer rlcliard martin walter ambrose and pred pot tinger of hamilton among those at tending from acton were ruuva harrison councillor mcmillan mr km mr hnmlfl witnr nnjuv vernon agnew and gilbert romph and mr and mrs gregory of oak ville maniyoumn tu1uckys uirtiqiittuia it was aclujilly put mt practice when contracts were awarded tor the reclamation of about 7500 acres of land tho work involved tho con struction of two canals to divert river around tlie outside of tho marsh and part of the river was utilized as reservoir to drain surplus water off the marsh in dry scasomj this natural re servoir can be emptied by the use of two capacious pumps and the water turned back into the open dltcheu run ning through the reclaimed land pro vision has also been made to tap the canal banks when necessary and with an inexhaustible water supply tliat can be turned at once into tho land when ifc is needed the marsh growers have practic 4ulymasedtuamnkliiraproblsm tommys uniform comfort and utility rather than mili tary smartness in british infantry mans working clothes common sense and comfort have scored another slgnul victory ironbound military smartness is becoming thing of the past tlie british infantryman has been qiven new unlforml in the place of the old tight choker collar the tunic will have an open neck tike that of office uniforms it will have pleated pockets and double pleat ot the back to make for greater free dom of movement the sleeve will have an open cuff fastened with single compout and utility button so that when the occasion arises it can be turned back comfortably per mitting the soldier to do many jobs with out fouling his sleeves all buttons and badges will he of fiunmetal there will be no more weary lours spent in polishing them to mirror brightness tlie new shirt has turndown coltart io fur celery luui boenuio principal de ind comfortawe nt thc neck and crop grown on the reclaimed land this years crop being estimated at 500 car loads it has been demonstrated that for beets carrots potatoes celery cab bage and probably cauliflower the con ditions are ideal it is thought that strawberries and roupbcrrles will grow in profusion and hopes are cntortaincd that asparagus will do well head lettuco fan be produced abundantly some seasons but in others it is practically failure in one year one grower hnd lettuce crop which brought 13000 worn outside that of the tunic tills is another innovation that will be heartily approved of by all who wore the old shirt with narrow and tight cotton neck band light pullover less cumbersome than the old cardigan has been adopted also tlie greatest departure of all from the timehonored and uncomfortable is in the type of hat adopted headpiece with no chinstrap cross between bov scouts and decrstalkcrs so light and flexible that it can be rolled up and tucked into pocket editor fan bkss acton ontario dear sir as mentioned lost week tho snow all went away and it turned cold enough to frccso the ground good and hard the thermometer registering aero two nights so no more plowing has been dona polk are busy getting houses banked stable doors and windows fixed wells cleaned out strawberries and fruit bear ing canes tp with straw or manure tuimll tools and chains etc all gathered up where they cars bo foand if snow was to come in hurry outbuildings get out of repair and tills seems an ideal tlmo to do so many odd jobs that tooera sadly neglected during spring and sum mer during this week tliu government tim ber cruiser upread the hows ho would be on luuid at uio wood lot selected far this years supply of firewood so every one in tlie neighborhood made tho trip and met him at the appointed time an place and something over 30 men were awarded lots which oro supposed to have ut least 10 cords furcliascrs can either pay at tho time or the scaler comes wlien the wood is cut tlio price is mc per cord on the stump our supply li ten muctf from homo son is away this week laden with blankets extra cloth ing gun and ammunition axe saw and krub to gut what he can of tho down or fallen wood cut in log lengths and plld before snow comes he undan neighbor will work toother while on his trip there to tielect his lot ho saw signs of btune so went prepared on two or three small expeditions jiround honiehc took tho gun along and iiti resu weve hud threenice rabbit straight dean diet too much for welsh minebs beans hurdbollcd brown beans were responsible for tho first labor strike in cariboo and perhaps hi western canada writco louis lebourdals in vancouver paper tho strike occurred in tho winter of 16031804 wlien 20 welsh miners em ployed by captain john evans on lightning creek cariboo walked out as protest agabist straight bean diet it won not tho noiseand it was ptenty mod by 20 men trying to crock open and masticate plateful of half cooked beam at each meal to whloh wo objected said harry jones recalling tho incident it was uio smell of tho cursed things as much as anything wlille they were being cooked the cook welshman like ourselves was entirely unfamiliar with even tho ilrsl uusentlul in tho preparation bf beans and for long lime ho refused to learn wo suffered as consequence when we struck captain evans was furious but was forced to compromise by adding flour and rice to tlie bill of fare an old fashioned one do youu best mai do your best and pralso or blame tliat folers co nfljesjthcbftlm you may luxve noted great success is mixed with troubles more or less and lti thc man who does his beet tliat goth more kicks than all rest uio keltlts list of sales tuesday november 2flth estate of tlio luto robertson acton saturday november 30thsuto or tho lauj robert pasmoro rockwood friday december 13th estato of late edwin emmcrsan nelson village immmuhmmhhhhmmmumhh1m for mother imd daughter attractive models in elco jew run tlw 1035 allmuliuoului turkey show which wus held on october 30th and 31f marked the tenth anniversary of this exhibition which claims the distinction of being the first exclusive turkey uhow ever to be held in canada manitoulln island lying off the north shore of lake huron and northwest of georgian hi rapidly gaining prestige producer of quality turkeys mani toulln farmers faced with limited possi bilities in crops that could be profitably produced for export have specialhxd in turkeys with rcults that have bcn most gratifying turkey ruuing haw been curried on in commercial way tin tlie island for many years and as far back as 1016 the excellence or the manitoulln turkeys was established when carload shipments or live birds were sent to the united tutc where they were received with marked approval in 1024 uie manitoulln farmers called ujioii rtpre seiitatlves of the dominion and provin cial departments of agriculture to study turkey rlajrtg condiuons on uio island which resulted in uie inlroducuon of un orderly system of cooperauvo mar keting and uie oriiiuiisatioii of uie pre lsent monilouurt coopejatlw turkey growers ausociauon during the post few years practically ali uie birds liave been marketed uirough this association dressed box packed and grudrd accord ing to federal poultry standards snap lg twocolor case slaytirlto wltli jor muu jfweuky wuteh lupdlrlnir gg aikmmmmhmmmmmmhmhhhmh gardiner sales books are the best counter check books made in canada they cost no more than ordinary books and alwuys give satisfaction we are agents and will be pleased to quote you on any style or quantity required your horn printer first pies so fur he seems always to manage to get them in uie head so is fair shot quito number of tho neighbors have had uuccoss with ueeso und are uow preparing to dispone of them by means of shooting matches rauicr uian by marketing rifles aro used and ten shots nt 2gc each must be purchased then fired at targmt at 100 yards distance bulls eye takes uio goose son intends trying his luck reviewing the nowii of tire pokb pncsj one of the outstandhig articles la uio offer of this moat valuable paper from now till the end of 1d30 for the small sum of 300 wouldnt anyone be wtoo to tpaud tholr loona oliango uikway rauier than in slot machines would like to offer congratulations also to mr and mrs robt mdcarthur and many liappy returns to mr marshall who notice has reached his both year acton is richer by the addition of rev and mru caldwell or permanent resid ent the hockey team are receiving an excellent trabiing by accounts noticed and tlwlr acuvities will be watched wlui interest johnson no tliornloc customer want two small liack sawn pound of assorted nails nice oak handle for my hammer and pot of cleaner for the missus olak sorry my friend but this is an oldfashioned drug store an invitation to flower lovers in acton and vicinity our oreenhouses ore wealth of bloom in yellow bronze pink and mauve our mid6easoo mums will be at tholr best for uie next week tho greenhouses will be open to visitors inspection friday and saturday afternoon and evening tte riot of bloom and color especially under electric llghb will and tlirill all flower lovers the houses will also be open to visitors sunday afternoon and evening we are proud of uie quality and rcshrmss of our fctock and will be pleased to iorvo you at any time bishop son hottjhtx deliver chinese banquet chinese in everything even to tlie chop sticks which were mustered with some difficulty wns thc dinner qiven by mnhrk ghowrghinesegonsuihrvnn couvcr to other members of the consular corps in that city the feast commenced with that oftheardof but somewhat mys terious birds nest soup which proved to be delicious bouillion to titivate the most fastidious taste there followed fried oytters la chine nlmond chicken fried noodles chinese pastry and most delicious jasmine tea the latter treat for he palate tlie wljole was washed down with typjcilly chinese wlnes nq gar pel and mel kwei lu with an appe tizer of chinese cocktails mysterious but mostsatisfyinn the menu was arranged by members of the chinese consulate in vancouver and no detail was lacking in presenting truly oriental variety the passport nuisance wiry should an englishborn man or woman residing in canada for four or five years have to secure passport to go back and visit the home folk in the native county of kent or sussex pass ports in war time are quite necessary of nee as between licl the only tend to keep another govei bureaucracy alive and also to restrict free and uninterrupted travel and the more travel we have he ween canada and the old land the betrer st cath arines standard millions of rnj3es prairie provinces greatly changed in last three decades since the ginadinn government insti tuted trceplantino division in 1901 under thc administration of the depart ment of the interior since transferred to the department of agriculture total of 117225936 trees have lun distrlhu led free to farmers in the ivitrle prov inces of this total 115190070 were de ciduous or broaclleived trees and 2035866 were coniferous or evergreen sufficient seedling trees tx establish shelter belts have been sent out from the cnnaluri government 1orestrv stations at indian head and sutherland saskat chewan to as many as 6000 fanners every year for tin past thirty years or an average nf about 1000000 trees per year in addition to the free distribution millions of trees have been sold inthe prairie provinces by owners of private nurseries the result is that many thousands of prairie farm homes which formerly stood jut on somewhat bare and unrelieved landscape are now sheltered by ginnes af stout trees which not only serve as windbreaks but help to conserve the mokture ami make decided contribution to tlie tat tractive ueiu of tlie kurroundiiioi highways and motor cars canndas and motor cam present striking illustration or changes brought nbout by progress and invention in the early days of settlement roada were auxiliary to water routes as avenuca of transportation they were used dur ing thc summer season when portages were necessary to avoid obstacles to river and lake travel and during thc wlnteru when leu prevented navigation the growth of populauon and uie demand for means of communication between setue ment polnui coon made necessary tho introduction of overland routes and rond construction in canada pot under way in uiu pioneer stages of the dovelopmen of the country exclusive or the streets ih clues towni and incorporated village the total mileage or surfaced roads in canada at uie end or 1034 was 03g42 owr hair or which was in ontario tlie mileage of unimproved and improved earth roads woo 310027 miles making total or 4000200 miles or rural roads in canada mo automobile has playcti mutom portant part in canadas road history eupecinuy during the last twenty years in which thc motor car has come to rank au neceslty of llfo to luro propor tion of the population thc motor car made its adventi in ontario in 1004 when 535 vehicle were registered and from that meagre mini her registrations in the dominion as awhok grew by leaps and bounds until they reached the peak figure of 1233400 in 1030 the next three ytars showed slight decline but in 1034 the automobile again gained ground with registration totalling 1120533 vohlcliti gain of 40575 over 1033 canada has wealth of highways and motor cars and uie extent to which the canadian people now enjoy the educa tional and recreational values of trawl reflect the new and higher standards of living which progress and invent inn have placed practically within reach of ull tlie lemon is one fruit uiat cant be mode into salad with dob of inay oainaise weekend specials our dry goods department offers for your selection items ut the lowest prices consistent willi quiiirty forxncli of the family see our displays of mens work shirts gloves mitts socks underwear ladies and childrens hose towels sleepers dresses brussiers cotton rayon or pure silk slips etc our infants wear section will supply all thc babys needs crib blankets each 39c cotton batts oz size for 15c lb size for 49c lb size for 70c whit flannelette 27 inch width yards for 25c 3g inch width per yard 15fc ladies belts 15c 20c 25c kotex sanitary pads dozen in packe pads oo for ztoc 25c rayon and merccriz fall weight new kotex sanitary belts for ladies ed hose per pair sponge taffy special per tb sxlcicersper bundle 15 butterscotch waffles special per per lb ic coal scuttles ot special each ooc coal shovels 10c 15c learn to shop at hintons 5c to store where your dollar goes farther arpromisrekrept extract from talk given oh thc ford sunday evening hour on uie lout day of october 1034 mr henry ford was sitting in uw engineering laboratory at dearborn mich whun writer asked his opinion about uie business outlook for 1035 without hesitauon mr fvird sold we will build million cars next year million carslwas the incredulous exclamation coming trom one who rarely indulges in prcdlcuan uk statement was immediately headlined throughout uie world it wan accepted as an in clination uiat uie country was climbing out of uie doldrums it was just half past two on thursday october 31rt 1035 uiat the million ui car rolled olf tlu assembly line beating mr fords prediction by two whole montlia the people of uie country absorbed 100000 ford cars each month ror tlie first ten monuis or 1035 not to mention the other mates of cars using uio mullon cars as hauls think how much of uie money goes back to uie farmer uirough uie millions of pounds or cotton corn wool goatvj liair molasses linseed and turpentine uie millions of feet of lumber and uio tons of rleel required to furnfch uio cars those million cars are out in the country now delivering their service to the millions of people where hi uta money uiat wan paid utnl 1140110330 won paid into wages for ford employees 523111380 was rrhr rrt luntlllleilali mrn ifjuu umo uimugh process to the raw materials you will find tliat it too became wages for workers in an endless chain of industries that is in ten montlwi ue building of one million cars resulted in the circulation of gg3230715 among uie peopte who work tlie government got 421000000 in taxes brought down tb household terms it means half million families of men were employed for ten months and uie people liavo uio million cans to boot this has been done without lengthening uie working day or decreasing the wages tile ford company actually increased wagwi to uie day minimum this year get the new prices and book over the feature of the ford car before you buy any fcar norton motors are pleased to be associated with such an organization as the ford motor company norton motors watch the fords go by phone fir acton ont uhmamumhuammvummhammummmmmumumuatatiauiaml now playing trrilic the last days of pompeii in 20oo ykaal the luxurious roy guklph satuh mon toes ahtounding transatlantic tunnel now york to london slurtinu next wliieluiy thanks million dick vovvkix anndvokah starring muurpieae of maaa achievement of woman fiacrtflodt maixje kvams hichard pix oaoaax adcjaa wiaitsb hobtton


Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 21 Nov 1935, p. 8 (2024)
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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

Birthday: 1996-05-19

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Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.